Give Today and Change Lives

Help Survivors of Domestic Violence Heal, Build New Lives, and Thrive.

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raised towards $30,000 goal



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Help Survivors of Domestic Violence Heal, Build New Lives, and Thrive.

Hand in Hand - Fundraising Campaign 2022

Rebel Thriver was established in 2012 to inspire, empower, educate, advocate, and offer a community where survivors of domestic abuse are supported by other survivors of survivors. A place to call home, with guidance to create a roadmap forward to a healthy and abundant life, full of hope for a better tomorrow.

"This is the truth in every sense. I am so grateful I found you. Our greatest weapon is our survival, and how we refuse our spirit to be crushed. We soar higher." -Kfams

Since becoming a 501(c)3 in 2019 we have seen our membership grow exponentially. In May, we launched our first Life Coaching program, Bloom Where You’re Planted, on our private platform, the Village. We are excited to announce that this September we will be offering individual coaching sessions to women. Our goal is to one day have a roster of coaches so that we can impact even more women.

"You have been instrumental in me figuring out how to deal with the abuse of my childhood and slowly, but by teeny bit, crawling out of my deep hole to see the light waiting for me and encouraging me to keep going. Thank you and to everyone here in helping me to start to overcome deep deep scars and to keep going forward. Namaste." - Brian

Rebel Thriver is at a crossroads and here is why...

1. Every single day we wake up to a waitlist of hundreds of survivors from around the world wanting to join our Village.

2. The women who run Rebel Thriver, "the Squad" are all volunteers.

3. It is imperative that we scale up. In order to do this we need
to bring on staff and be able to pay them.

4. Right now we have only one coach for thousands of women.

5. We offer life coaching for free, but if we do not scale up we will need to start charging all survivors.

  • Your donation of $15 will provide one fee waiver for one of our programs in Thriver's Ed.

  • Your donation of $36 will provide one annual membership to our private platform, the Village.

  • Your donation of $150 will provide an individual life coaching session.

  • Your donation of $600 will provide a spot for one woman to join a group coaching experience.

  • Your donation of $1500 will enable 10 women individual life coaching sessions, with the goal being to eventually enable 1 woman 10 coaching sessions.

The work we do is critical, because the recidivism rate is alarmingly high with domestic abuse. Did you know that the average victim returns to their abuser 7- 8 times before they are actually able to leave? Here are some additional startling facts:

  • On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.

  • On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide.

  • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 7 men, and countless children, have been victims of domestic violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

  • The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%, and 19% of domestic violence involves a weapon.

  • Victims of domestic violence lose a total of 8M days of paid work each year.

  • The cost of domestic violence exceeds $8.3 Billion per year.


I want to tell you a story about Rebecca. Rebecca has been a member of the Rebel Thriver from the very beginning, 2012. In 2020, she was finally able to leave her abusive husband. It was a traumatic end, and when she joined Ella's group coaching program she couldn’t get a word out because she couldn’t stop shaking and crying.

Today, Rebecca is training to accomplish a lifelong dream of hers, climbing to Mount Everest’s base camp. By the way, Rebecca has very bad knees but she isn’t letting that stop her from achieving her goal. She is fundraising on her journey to raise funds for Rebel Thriver, and when she reaches basecamp at 17,598 feet she will be planting a Rebel Thriver flag!

We named this campaign ‘Hand in Hand’ because it is a phrase that we often use in our goodnight posts so that our community knows that no matter what they may be going through or where they are in this world, they are not alone. We walk forward together as one. The simple truth is that we simply cannot sustain this level of care without your help.

This is why we need your help.
We simply cannot sustain this level of care and community outreach without your support.

Please donate today.

"I've stumbled upon this place of yours tonight. Reading through a dozen or so posts, I felt each word or your remarks, and the quotes felt like they were coming from my mouth. My heartbeat slowed down and my anxiety was dropping as well. How can you be inside my head speaking what I am afraid to whisper? -Pauline

Rebel Thriver is a 501(c)3 charity.
All donations are tax deductible in the United States.
EIN #84-3180170